Instead of me telling you what everyone else does like 1g protein is equal to 4 calories and that protein is made up of amino acids or that your protein sources are beef,poultry,fish, eggs , venison, dairy etc. I’d like to give you a bit more insight to protein. Proteins are the building blocks of all organisms in the body ( bones, muscle, cartilage skin and blood).
They have about a 10% greater TEF ( thermic effect of food ) than the other macros namely fats and carbs, this means they utilize more calories to digest, whilst also aiding in muscle repair and recovery as well as assisting satiety. Proteins are also important for manufacturing enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. This can also be an energy source if it’s consumed in abundance, and is a major source of energy. Once you have consumed more protein than your body needs for body tissue maintenance, and other necessary functions, your body will use it for energy. If you consume too much protein and your body also has surplus energy from the other nutrients, carbs and fats, then excess protein can also be converted and stored as fat.
Protein is also involved in the creation of some hormones, which help control body functions that involve the interaction of several organs. Insulin, a small protein, is an excellent example of a hormone that regulates blood sugar. It involves the interaction of organs such as the pancreas and the liver. Secretin, is another example of a protein hormone, which assists in the digestive process by stimulating the pancreas and the intestine to create necessary digestive juices.
Enzymes are a type of protein that increases the rate of chemical reactions in the body. In fact, most of the necessary chemical reactions in the body would not occur efficiently without enzymes. For example, one type of enzyme functions as an aid in digesting large protein, carbohydrate and fat molecules into smaller molecules, while another assists in the creation of DNA. Hemoglobin is an example of a transportation and storage molecule, which assists in the channeling of oxygen throughout the body. Protein also forms antibodies that help prevent infections, diseases and illnesses. In conclusion I hope you have been enlightened on the importance of protein, which is so much more, than just for building muscles.